Mabel Napurrurla Samuels
Mabel started painting when the art centre reopened in 2007. She paints the same dreaming stories as Molly her big sister. Her health isn’t very good now, so she only paints on occasion. She has 2 sons and great grand children. Mabel loves coming here and always has a story to share.Mabel moved here when she was small about 3 years old, with her parents and now considers Lajamanu her home. She has many family members here.
About Mabel Napurrurla Samuels
Mabel started painting when the art centre reopened in 2007. She paints the same dreaming stories as Molly her big sister. Her health isn't very good now, so she only paints on occasion. She has 2 sons and great grand children. Mabel loves coming here and always has a story to share.Mabel moved here when she was small about 3 years old, with her parents and now considers Lajamanu her home. She has many family members here.
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