Seed Dreaming

This dreaming tells about the special seeds we use for grinding and making powder. The women add water to make a special damper. They put the damper in the coals for cooking. There are many different seeds we collect.

Kirda or owner of this Jukurrpa (Dreaming) is the skin groups Napurrurla, Nakamarra, Jupurrurla and Jakamarra. Kurdungurlu or checking group of people are Nungarrayi, Napangardi, Jungarrayi and Japangardi.

This painting depicts the ngurlu (seeds), marna (grass), Karnta (women), their parraja (oval wooden dishes) kajipa (dancing sticks).


1 in stock

Medium: Painting
1500 x 1200mm Synthetic Polymer Paint on Canvas
Year: 2022
SKU: 177-22


This dreaming tells about the special seeds we use for grinding and making powder. The women add water to make a special damper. They put the damper in the coals for cooking. There are many different seeds we collect.

Kirda or owner of this Jukurrpa (Dreaming) is the skin groups Napurrurla, Nakamarra, Jupurrurla and Jakamarra. Kurdungurlu or checking group of people are Nungarrayi, Napangardi, Jungarrayi and Japangardi.

This painting depicts the ngurlu (seeds), marna (grass), Karnta (women), their parraja (oval wooden dishes) kajipa (dancing sticks).

Additional information

Weight 0.8 kg

About Denise Robertson

Denise Napangardi is a Grandmother and Great Grandmother. Her family are deeply contected to Warnayaka Art as far back as the 1980s when Warlpiri here decided to sell art work in the commercial art market space.  Denise has represented the art centre as a cultural knowledge holder in France, Poland and Germany.  She has a big role in Lajamanu as a senior lady.  She also works in Aged Care looking after the very old people in Lajamanu doing meals on wheels.  On fleeting occasions she comes to paint at the art centre.

See other works from Denise Robertson