Robyn Napurrurla Lawson

Robyn Lawson, skin name Napurrurla, is the daughter of Ronnie Jakamarra Lawson, who, in 1983, exhibited sand artwork in Paris, France that served as an introduction of Warlpiri culture to the contemporary art world and generated a high level of interest.
Napurrurla uniquely interprets the lands of her Jukurrpa (Dreaming) stories by creating detailed topographical maps of her homelands at Tanami Downs, approximately 300 kilometres south of Lajamanu. Her work often features the waterholes, hills, animal tracks and food sources that are found at Tanami Downs. She incorporates the softer colours of the desert that can be witnessed at sunrise, when light is beginning to break across the land.
Napurrurla is a prominent member of the Lajamanu community. She acts as a director on the boards of various organisations and often provides translations for Warlpiri to English. She has assisted the National Gallery of Victoria (NGV) regarding restoration and conservation of the Gallery’s collection of archived historical Lajamanu/Warlpiri art.